Thecauldronpub Wiki

Turkish Delight[]

Edmund eats a box of these upon meeting the White Witch.

The Beavers' Dinner[]

The Pevensie children are fed this dinner by the Beavers in the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. It consists of fried fish, boiled potatoes, bread, milk, a marmalade roll and tea. 

Shasta's Best Breakfast Ever[]

Meat pasty, dried figs, green cheese and wine. 

Narnian Breakfast[]

Porridge with cream, bacon, eggs, mushrooms, butered toast and coffee. 

A Dinner for Prince Corin[]

lobsters, salad, snipe stuffed with almonds and truffles, rice with chicken livers, raisins, and nuts, melons, mulberry and goose fools, dishes with ice and white wine. 


A rainbow coloured fish roasted on an open fire. 
