Thecauldronpub Wiki

Whats up, non-magical world?

哈囉, 麻瓜世界!  

哈囉, 凡人世界!

My name is Matthew and I’m a designer, a technologist, a former reading teacher, and... a geek.  


And this is a Kickstarter Project for The Cauldron, a Wizarding Pub and Inn located in London, where the magic of the wizarding universe comes to life through technology and the internet of things.  

The Cauldron是一個新的募資提案,我們將運用物聯網的科技,將倫敦巫師酒館級旅店等魔法世界的魔力帶到現實生活中。

I would like your help in funding and your co-participating in designing and filling the Cauldron with Magic.  

我希望能透過你的資助、並且共同參與創造這個充滿魔力的The Cauldron.

It’s possible to take the ideas that we’ve been reading about for years and make them a reality.  


What I call the Magic of Things.  Let me show you.


The Cauldron is a wizarding pub in London where we use technology to make magic feel real.  

The Cauldron 是一間在倫敦的巫師酒吧,在這裡我們用科技讓魔法成真

A small and shabby-looking pub, inspired by the writings of authors like Rowling, Tolkien, and Lewis, where you can feel like you are at the threshold of the magical world.


Much of the magic in the pub will be controlled with a magic wand.  We can use the type of technology found in key fobs and touch-sensitive surfaces to design a wand that works with touch and voice controls.


For example, when controlling the lights.


Or when lighting a fire.


We can use touch-sensitive and auto-refill technology at the bar.


If we can raise enough money to have an inn as well as a pub, a wand can be used instead of a room key.


We can use magnetism to make candles float in mid-air.


Our Silver Tier Kickstarter Backers and above will have their names written in Permanent Ink in the pub.


And some magical elements, like moving photos, don’t require a wand.  


Our Gold Kickstarter Backers and above will have their moving photos hanging in the pub.


Our food menu will feature the dishes described in your favorite books.


And our drinks menu will be inspired by descriptions found in those same sources.


Every aspect of the pub will be designed so that the more you know about these sources and their roots, the more you will take from your experience.


So, how are we going to make this happen and how do you fit into the picture?  

所以... 我們將要如何實現這一切?還有你將要如何參與其中?

I have a creative vision, but I am just one fan; you have ideas too.


The Cauldron has a wiki, where anyone can submit and vote on ideas about the types of magic they want to see us make.

The Cauldron裡有個魔法百科,任何人都可以在上面提交自己的想法、並投票選出他們想要看到的魔法,由我們來實現

Leading up to the pub’s opening we will host a series of Wizarding Hackathons in cities around the world, where fans can come together, take ideas from the wiki, and invent magic.  Which we will then use as we design different aspects of the Cauldron.

隨著酒吧的開幕式,我們將會在世界各地舉辦一系列的巫師季活動,邀請粉絲來一同將魔法百科裡的點子發想出來,成為The Cauldron的一部分

You can back the Cauldron through several tiers of support.  Check out our website and Kickstarter page for more details.

你可以透過不同的級別來資助The Cauldron。更多詳情請查看我們的網頁及Kickstarter募資網站

Please back the Cauldron and help give life to the ideas that millions of people around the world have been reading about for years.

請資助The Cauldron,幫助我們將世界各地數百萬人、這麼多年來一直在閱讀的魔法經典成為真實

Please visit and back this project.  Check out the first episode of our podcast and follow us on Twitter.  If you back this project, when you next visit London, you’ll have a wizarding pub waiting where you can have a pick-me-up and a bite to eat, and enjoy being at the threshold of the magical world.


The Cauldron is a fan fiction and literary pub, and we will encourage our visitors to bring with them and donate a copy of their favorite book, which we will then give to reading classrooms in need.

The Cauldron也是個專屬於魔法粉絲的小說及文學吧。我們鼓勵所有的客人來訪時,帶本他們最喜歡的魔法書籍來捐贈給有需要的閱讀課程。
